Thursday, February 18, 2010

timwill photography

time for my favorite photographer of all time!!

his name is tim willoughby and his company is timwill photography, of south carolina.

i am so excited to share with you this guy's amazing work. please check out his website and support him! he just had a baby with his beautiful wife, and they're doing awesome things. but first, here are just a few of his lovely, lovely images. swoon.
(click on image to enlarge)

his new son!

tim willoughby's talent is only matched by his heart.

as of this week, he has decided to team up with five non-profit organizations, and will donate ten percent of every dime he makes on ANY service to the charity that client selects. how awesome is this? to read what he's doing straight from his mouth, read his blog post here:

timwill giving back.

the organizations he's donating to are:

charity water, operation smile, CNEWA, partners in health, and acumen fund.

please check out these links and donate if you can, and visit tim's blog to see his latest work!



  1. Thank you for sharing TimWill's photography -- I can see why you love his work so much. He's refreshing, creative and inspired. What a generous and creative soul he is! And what a cutie he has in his baby baby! Bon Voyage, Elizabeth Jane and Megan McClain -- be safe and make many memories. I want photos! Love you both, my Texas Sweeties. Momma and A. Diana

  2. Hey thanks for featuring us on your lovely little blog!
    Love, Sarah from Timwill photography ;)


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